Thursday, August 16, 2018

Mars colony on the edge of a canyon by Tomas Honz

Picture of the Day 16/8/2018 - Mars colony built on the edge of a canyon by Czech digital artist Tomas Honz. More of his art here.

Mars colony by Tomas Honz

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Friday, August 10, 2018

Mars colony by Peter Silva

Picture of the Day 10/8/2018 - Mars colony during a sandstorm by concept artist Peter Silva. More of his art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars colony by Peter Silva

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Mars colony city by Mariano Ruiz Manzano

Picture of the Day 8/8/2018 - Mars colony city by Mexican computer graphics artist Mariano Ruiz Manzano.
More of his concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars colony city by Mariano Ruiz Manzano

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Painting of SpaceX ITS spaceship on Mars by Nick Oberg

Picture of the Day 28/7/2018 - Painting of SpaceX ITS (2016 version of BFR) spaceship on Mars by Nick Oberg.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Painting of SpaceX ITS spaceship on Mars by Nick Oberg

Saturday, July 21, 2018

HD images from the season 2 trailer of NatGeo's "Mars" TV series

National Geographic has released a season 2 trailer for its "Mars" TV series. The fictional documentary series depicted first human mission to Mars and hardships of building a base on Mars in a lava tube in season 1. The six-episode season 2 promises to dig deeper into the challenges of life on Mars, covering everything from the first Martian-born babies to surviving the common cold to the first commercial efforts to exploit the planet's resources. Season 2 will be broadcasted worldwide starting on November 12th.

Here are some HD images from the trailer. Open link in new tab to view images in full resolution.

BFR landing pads - image from Season 2 of NatGeo MARS TV seriesHuman base - image from Season 2 of NatGeo MARS TV series

Astronauts - image from Season 2 of NatGeo MARS TV seriesExploration rovers - image from Season 2 of NatGeo MARS TV series

Human base and rover - image from Season 2 of NatGeo MARS TV seriesPipeline accident - image from Season 2 of NatGeo MARS TV series

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Mars exploration rover by Alexandra Hodgson

Picture of the Day 19/7/2018 - Mars exploration rover by Canadian illustrator Alexandra Hodgson. More of her concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars exploration rover by Alexandra Hodgson

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Capital city of Mars by Nick Hvostik

Picture of the Day 15/7/2018 - "Opportunity: The Capital of the Corporate Republic of Mars" - cover art for Half Life 2 unfinished game mod "Badge of Blood" by concept artist Nick Hvostik from "Massive Black".

Capital city of Mars by Nick Hvostik (Massive Black)

Monday, July 9, 2018