Thursday, July 5, 2018

City on Mars in a far future by Richard Bizley

Picture of the Day 5/7/2018 - Space art exhibition at a city on partly terraformed Mars in a far future by British painter Richard Bizley. More of his art here.

City on terraformed Mars in a far future by Richard Bizley

Monday, July 2, 2018

Big Falcon Rocket images by Gravitation Innovation

There has been released a bunch of stunning unofficial SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) render images created by David Romax (Gravitation Innovation). Open image link in new tab to view images in higher resolution:

SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) launch by Gravitation Innovation

SpaceX BFR spaceship leaving Mars by Gravitation Innovation

SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) before launch by Gravitation InnovationSpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) launch by Gravitation Innovation

Friday, June 29, 2018

Boy on Mars messaging his dad (image from The Expanse season 3)

Picture of the Day 29/6/2018 - Alex receiving a video message from his son on Mars - image from episode 6, season 3 of The Expanse sci-fi TV series. Images of Mars from season 2 of the series here.

Boy on Mars messaging his dad - image from The Expanse TV series

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Vintage poster "Expedition Mars" by Kip Ayers

Vintage style poster "Expedition Mars" featuring a family exploring Martian landscapes by freelance illustrator Kip Ayers.
More of his illustrations here.

Vintage poster Expedition Mars by Kip Ayers

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Elon future on Mars by Victor Hegger

Possible future on Mars inspired by Elon Musk - a drawing by Dutch comic artist Victor Hegger. More of his art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Possible future on Mars inspired by Elon Musk

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Terraforming Mars by Stefan Morrell, National Geographic

Gradual terraformation of Mars by concept artist Stefan Morrell from New Zealand. His picture was used to illustrate Robert Kunzig's article about terraforming Mars in National Geographic Magazine, February 2010 issue, and many more articles about colonization and terraformation of Mars since then.
Open image link in new tab to view images in full resolution
Terraforming Mars by Stefan Morrell

Close-up of the central section:
Terraforming Mars by Stefan Morrell

"Making Mars the new Earth" by Robert Kunzig, National Geographic Magazine, February 2010:

Terraforming Mars - stages 1-2 (National Geographic, feb. 2010, pg.30)Terraforming Mars - stages 3-4 (National Geographic, feb. 2010, pg.31)Terraforming Mars - stages 5-6 (National Geographic, feb. 2010, pg.32)

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Landing burn of SpaceX BFR spaceship

Picture of the Day 20/6/2018 - Landing burn of SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) spaceship (BFS) by British digital artist Charlie Burgess. More of his art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Landing burn of SpaceX BFR spaceship by Charlie Burgess

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Marines on Mars - images from Space: Above and Beyond (1995) TV series

Space: Above and Beyond (1995-1996) is a one season sci-fi TV show set in the years 2063-2064 and depicting humanity's fight against an alien race attacking the first extra-solar human colony. The show focuses on a squadron of US Marine Corps space cavalry. A small part in the first episode takes place on Mars and here are some images from that part:

Marines on Mars - image from Space: Above and Beyond TV seriesMarines on Mars - image from Space: Above and Beyond TV series

Spaceship arriving to Mars - image from Space: Above and Beyond TV seriesMarines on Mars - image from Space: Above and Beyond TV series

Marines on Mars - image from Space: Above and Beyond TV seriesMarines on Mars - image from Space: Above and Beyond TV series

Marines on Mars - image from Space: Above and Beyond TV seriesMarines on Mars - image from Space: Above and Beyond TV series

Monday, June 11, 2018

SpaceX BFR spaceship docking to Bigelow orbital station

Picture of the Day 11/6/2018 - SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) spaceship (BFS) docking to Bigelow orbital space station consisting of three B330 inflatable modules; fan vision by Reddit user brickmack (Mack Crawford). More of his space concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
SpaceX BFR spaceship docking to Bigelow orbital station

Sunday, June 10, 2018