Wednesday, June 6, 2018

SpaceX BFR spaceship on Mars at evening

Picture of the Day 6/6/2018 - SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) spaceship (BFS) on Mars at evening; fan vision by Instagram user astro_kerman from Kerbal Space Program rocket simulation game with Tundra Exploration Mod.

SpaceX BFR spaceship on Mars at dawn

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Occupy Mars - simulation game about Mars colonization

Occupy Mars is an upcoming (as of today: TBD 2018) highly technical open world simulation game about Mars colonization from Polish indie game developer Pyramid Games. In the game you will be able to "build and upgrade your base, discover new amazing regions, conduct mining operations, retrieve water and generate oxygen, grow crops, fix broken parts, learn how to survive on Mars!"

Here are some promo images, posters and a trailer from the developer. Note the SpaceX style spacesuit and ITS 2016 spaceship(s) near the base.

Astronaut on ATV near a Mars base with SpaceX ITS spaceship - Occupy Mars game image

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Astronaut exploring Mars in a sandstorm by Thomas Peters

Picture of the Day 31/5/2018 - Astronaut exploring Mars in a sandstorm by graphic designer and illustrator Thomas Peters (Drell-7). More of his space art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Astronaut exploring Mars in a sandstorm by Thomas Peters

Monday, May 28, 2018

Domed city at night by Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe

Picture of the Day 28/5/2018 - Domed city at night by German digital artist Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe; part of cover image for Joseph Vasicek's eBook "Desert Stars".

Mars city under a dome at night by Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Concept art for The Martian by Steve Burg

Steve Burg did part of the concept art for sci-fi blockbuster The Martian (2015); his main focus was the Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV). Here are some of his images (open link in new tab to view image in full HD resolution):

Mars base and MAV liftoff - concept art for The Martian by Steve Burg

Legs of Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) - concept art for The Martian by Steve Burg

MAV 2nd stage separation - concept art for The Martian by Steve Burg

Friday, May 25, 2018

First 100 followers for @human.Mars on Instagram

A month ago we finally opened our profile on Instagram too. Now it has reached first 100 followers. If it's more convenient for you to follow our content on Instagram, feel free to follow

@human.Mars on Instagram

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Conference hall at Mars colony by Tarik Keskin

Picture of the Day 23/5/2018 - conference hall at Mars colony by Turkish digital artist Tarik Keskin. More of his art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Conference hall at Mars colony by Tarik Keskin

Monday, May 21, 2018

Female astronaut in front of Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 21/5/2018 - Female astronaut in front of Mars base by Canadian concept artist Bryan Versteeg - a cover work for the Humans To Mars Report 2018 (by Explore Mars). More of his space art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Female astronaut in front of Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Saturday, May 19, 2018