Monday, May 14, 2018

Mars - adventure awaits

Poster depicting adventurous life at human colony on Mars by digital artist Sam Taylor.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars - adventure awaits (poster by Sam Taylor)

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Skylon spaceplane and BFR spaceship docked to ISS

Picture of the Day 12/5/2018 - fan vision of Skylon spaceplane and SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) spaceship docked to International Space Station (ISS) - an image from the video animation of Skylon spaceplane launch created by Reddit user Hazegrayart.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Skylon spaceplane and SpaceX BFR spaceship docked to ISS

Friday, May 11, 2018

Images from Escape from Mars (1999) TV movie

Escape from Mars (1999) is a TV movie about first human mission to Mars in 2016. Five astronauts are flying with spaceship very similar to the Space Shuttle and the mission is financed by a private corporation setting profit-oriented goals. During the voyage and on Mars they encounter near-catastrophic events but in the end find bacterial life on Mars. Escape from Mars is a low-budget TV movie, having poor special effects and weak camera job, but the acting and script is decent. Here are some images from the movie:

First selfie on Mars - Escape from Mars movie imageApproaching Mars - Escape from Mars movie image

First step: together - Escape from Mars movie imageFirst step on Mars - Escape from Mars movie image

Spaceship very similar to the Space Shuttle - Escape from Mars movie imageFuneral for one of the five astronauts - Escape from Mars movie image

Monday, May 7, 2018

Human base in a Martian crater by Colin Geller

Picture of the Day 7/5/2018 - Human base in a Martian crater - concept art by Colin Geller for "Lazarus labs" exterior in DOOM (2016) computer game.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Human base in Martian crater - concept art for DOOM by Colin Geller

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Starman orbiting Mars in his Tesla Roadster

Picture of the Day 3/5/2018 - fan vision of SpaceX's Starman orbiting Mars in his Tesla Roadster; created by Reddit user ComradeIliya.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
SpaceX's Starman orbiting Mars in his Tesla Roadster

Monday, April 30, 2018

Building orbital space station with Big Falcon Rocket (BFR)

Picture of the Day 30/4/2018 - Building orbital space station with the help of SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) spaceships (BFS); fan vision by Reddit user brickmack (Mack Crawford). More of his space concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Building orbital space station with the help of SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Monday, April 23, 2018

SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket approaching Mars; official design

Picture of the Day 23/4/2018 - SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) spaceship (BFS) approaching Mars; official design presented by SpaceX's president & COO Gwynne Shotwell at TED 2018 conference. More images of BFR from her presentation here.

SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) spaceship approaching Mars

Full official schematics for BFR by Elon Musk at IAC 2017

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Unloading cargo from SpaceX BFR spaceship on the Moon

Picture of the Day 22/4/2018 - Unloading cargo from SpaceX BFR spaceship (BFS) on the Moon; fan vision by Reddit user brickmack (Mack Crawford).
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Unloading cargo from SpaceX BFR spaceship at Moon Base Alpha