"Doom" is a 2005 sci-fi horror action movie loosely based on the Doom video game series. In the movie, set in mid-21st century, a group of marines are sent on a rescue mission to a research facility on Mars, where they encounter genetically engineered violent creatures with superhuman abilities. Exterior of the Martian research facility is shown only in a few split-seconds in the movie and here are images from those rare moments:
Showing posts with label DOOM series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DOOM series. Show all posts
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Friday, October 11, 2019
Human base in a Martian canyon by Colin Geller
Picture of the Day 11/10/2019 - Damaged human base in a Martian canyon - concept art by Colin Geller for "Lazarus labs" exterior in DOOM (2016) computer game.
Monday, May 7, 2018
Human base in a Martian crater by Colin Geller
Picture of the Day 7/5/2018 - Human base in a Martian crater - concept art by Colin Geller for "Lazarus labs" exterior in DOOM (2016) computer game.
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