Showing posts with label Bryan Versteeg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bryan Versteeg. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Garden inside a dome on Mars by Bryan Versteeg

Canadian concept artist Bryan Versteeg has created a concept of a human base on Mars featuring a recreational garden inside a small crater covered with a transparent dome.

Mars base with a dome by Bryan Versteeg

Garden inside a dome on Mars by Bryan Versteeg

Garden inside a dome on Mars by Bryan Versteeg

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 8/1/2019 - Mars base by Canadian concept artist Bryan Versteeg. More of his space art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Monday, May 21, 2018

Female astronaut in front of Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 21/5/2018 - Female astronaut in front of Mars base by Canadian concept artist Bryan Versteeg - a cover work for the Humans To Mars Report 2018 (by Explore Mars). More of his space art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Female astronaut in front of Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Friday, October 20, 2017

Mars exploration rover leaving the base by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 20/10/2017 - Mars exploration rover leaving the base by Canadian concept artist Bryan Versteeg.
More of his space art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars exploration rover leaving the base by Bryan Versteeg

Friday, October 14, 2016

Domed atrium at Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

One of the most talented modern space artists Bryan Versteeg has created a few concept images of a domed atrium at Mars base for Mars One project. More of his space art here.

Mars dome plaza by Bryan Versteeg

Mars dome plaza by Bryan Versteeg

Mars dome plaza by Bryan Versteeg

Thursday, September 29, 2016

SpaceX spaceship at Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 29/9/16. It was inevitable Elon Musk's presentation of SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System will inspire a lot of fan art based around the design of the Mars Vehicle (could we call the "ship" part of Interplanetary Transport System by the old name - Mars Colonial Transporter?). One of the first is made by talented modern space artist Bryan Versteeg - a Mars base built around a landed SpaceX Mars Colonial Transporter.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
SpaceX spaceship at Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 30/12/15 - Mars base with inflatable sections partially buried in sand by Bryan Versteeg.
More of his space concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 28/2/15 - Dust storm approaching a Mars base by Bryan Versteeg. More of his space concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Mars trucks by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 3/1/15 - Mars exploration vehicles by Bryan Versteeg. More of his space concept art here.

Mars truck by Bryan Versteeg

Friday, April 11, 2014

Mars greenhouse by Bryan Versteeg

Picture of the Day 11/4/14 - Greenhouse in a Mars base by Bryan Versteeg. More of his concept art about agriculture on Mars here.

Mars greenhouse by Bryan Versteeg

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mars base by Bryan Versteeg

Bryan Versteeg is one of the best conceptual design artists for space exploration nowadays. Today I have picked one of his concept art pictures for Mars habitat as my "Picture of the Day" for Mars colonization.

Mars Base by Bryan Versteeg