MOVIES set on Mars

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Get your ass to Mars (Total Recall, 1990)
Get your ass to Mars! / Arnold Schwarzenegger (Total Recall)
Here you can browse all of the content related to various movies, documentaries and TV series set on Mars - reviews, concept art, posters, screenshots, trailers and even full documentaries.

Movie Reviews:

Content from Movies set on Mars:

Content from TV series set on Mars:

Content from Documentaries about Mars:

Useful sites about movies set on Mars:


  1. How long has this site been up for? And who else can see my comments, anyone? :)

  2. It's April 12, and I see this one comment. FYI

  3. unrelated but is it me or did something happen to human mars instagram? i cant find it on instagram and the link is broken, what happened?

    1. The link as the Instagram profile works just fine.

    2. the link doesnt work for me and it says the page does not exist????

  4. when i log out of instagram i can access your page but when i log in it says the link is broken and i cant even search it, it doesnt show up?????

    1. Then it seems to be a problem on your Instagram profile side.

  5. did i get blocked or something on instagram????

  6. Greetings! We love your webpage and particularly love the link you included to Chesley Bonestell's art! Our award-winning feature documentary about "The Father of Space Art" is titled "Chesley Bonestell: A Brush with the Future" and also includes Bonestell's Martian landscapes and discussions about Mars. As you know, Chesley Bonestell did the painting for the Willy Ley book "Exporation of Mars" and Astronomer and award-winning author and Space Artist David Aguilar comments in our film "Whoever steps foot onto the surface of Mars for the first time will see a vista, will see a beauty, will see a world that was brought to us by Chesley Bonestell decades before." May I suggest perhaps including our film's title and a link to our website at or to our trailer at www.chesleybonestell/trailer under your "Content from Documentaries About Mars" heading? Thank you for any consideration you give this post and have a stellar week! By the way, for anyone who reads this in the Los Angeles area, we are having our Southern California Theatrical Premiere July 15th, 7:30pm at 4 Laemmle Theaters! For more information go to and use the Promo Code MOON to receive 25% off an Adult Ticket for any July 15th screening! July 16th, 1PM screening tickets are available at matinee prices, too!

  7. Also, on a personal note as a huge Mars fan myself, if I may make another suggestion on adding a film. Under "Content from Movies Set on Mars," have you considered one of my personal favorites "Robinson Crusoe on Mars." (1964)? More info here: and the film's trailer here: By the way, Chesley Bonestell also did the matte paintings for the classic "martian invasion" sci-fi thriller "War of the Worlds." (1953). While not set on Mars, perhaps a new category may be worth considering; "Sci-Fi Movies with a Mars Theme." That, of course, opens the door to fun films such as War of the Worlds! Thanks again for your wonderful webpage!

    1. Hi there (unknown on July 14) Check out my "Robinson Crusoe on Mars" blog post here:

      This is one part of my blog based on my book MARS IN THE MOVIES: A HISTORY. A recent review said: <<<5 stars Wonderful survey of Martian cinema.
      July 11, 2019
      Format: Paperback
      Highly enjoyable look at Martian cinema from the earliest days of film to the more recent past. Miller’s approach is delightfully quirky, and he clearly knows Martian movies inside and out. His passion for his subject infuses every page and, like a benign plague, infects every synapse of the lucky reader’s brain. Perhaps best of all, Miller never patronizes, but rather comes alongside the reader in a spirit of camaraderie. If you have a passion for movies such as “Robinson Crusoe on Mars” (and I confess I do), then “Mars in the Movies” is right up your Milky Way. >>> Also the full blog is here. You see I have quite a few postings (with more coming): TYKM

  8. Suprised the 1980s Tv Series "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury is not listed ?

    1. It's kind of before our time ;)

    2. Exactly...The Martian Chronicles starring good ole Rock Hudson! Great series!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "The Martian Chronicles" (1980) now has been featured on our site :)

  9. Good site, I do recall seeing some episodes of Star Trek taking place on Mars. Not a whole lot.
