Monday, December 30, 2024

New Year's Eve fireworks at a Martian colony

Celebrating New Year's Eve with fireworks at a human colony on Mars - a screenshot from 2022 science fiction teen comedy "Moonshot" set in 2049 when trips to Mars has become routine for skilled or wealthy people.

New Year's Eve fireworks at a Martian colony

Sunday, December 1, 2024

SpaceX Starship mission to Mars in 2030 - animated story by iamVisual

Canadian VFX artist and YouTuber iamVisual has created an animated short story of SpaceX's Starship human mission to Mars in 2030:

Starship launch towers in Starbase, Texas:
SpaceX Starship launch towers

Astronauts entering SpaceX Starship via skybridge
Stage separation:
SpaceX Starship stage separation