Sunday, May 26, 2024

Martian city in "Chaser"

Chaser is an old first-person shooter released on 2003. Today there is no shortage of video games set on Mars, but back then Chaser was one of the few, even if only less than half of the game actually takes place on Mars. It follows a story somewhat similar to that of Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous movie Total Recall (1990) and I reviewed the game here 10 years ago.
Recently I made a second playthrough of the game. Part of Chaser's story takes place in a city on Mars under a large dome and here are some screenshots of the city:
Mars city in 'Chaser' video game

Mars city in 'Chaser' video game

Mars city in 'Chaser' video game

Mars city in 'Chaser' video game
Mars city in 'Chaser' video game
Resistance's Bar in the city:
Resistance's Bar on Mars in 'Chaser' video game

Resistance's Bar on Mars in 'Chaser' video game

Read our review of "Chaser"

More content from video games set on Mars HERE

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