Friday, September 11, 2020

Total Recall (1990) concept art by Ron Cobb

Australian artist Ron Cobb has done concept art for many famous sci-fi movies, as Star Wars, Alien, Back to the Future and countless other. One of the movies he has worked on is a movie known to all Mars fans - Total Recall (1990), stared by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin, Sharon Stone and Michael Ironside and directed by Paul Verhoeven. Here are some historic concept art images created by Ron Cobb for the famous movie:
Maglev train connecting Martian colonies
Maglev train concept for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.
Mars colony exterior
Colony exterior concept for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.
Mars shuttle
Mars shuttle concept for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.

Passengers disembarking from Mars shuttle - concept art for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.
Martian tunnel mole
Martian tunnel mole concept for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.
Streets of the Pyramid city
Streets of the Pyramid city - concept art for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.
Pyramid mine complex
Pyramid mine complex concept for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.
Rekall memory machine
Rekall memory machine concept for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.
Alien central control room
Alien central control room concept for Total Recall (1990) movie by Ron Cobb.

More content from Total Recall (1990):

P.S. On December 8, celebrating the 30th anniverasary of the movie, will be released a 4K UHD version of the original Total Recall, restored directly from a scan of the original 35mm negative. We will definitely rewatch the movie in unseen quality :)


  1. He passed away this week, september 21st, on his birthday...R.I.P.

  2. I've been looking for a long time for concept art for the Mars Shuttle. Cobb's concept-art VTOL thrusters made it into the final product, at least, but it looks cool! Thanks for posting. Great site!
