Saturday, May 2, 2020

Martian colonies in Babylon 5 TV series

Babylon 5 (1994-1998) was a popular sci-fi TV show in mid-1990s. Mars is one of the secondary locations in the show coming into spotlight in the second half of season 4. In the universe of Babylon 5 the rapid colonization and terraformation of Mars starts in mid-22nd century with only limited scientific missions before that. As in almost all fiction about colonization of Mars, eventually there rises a rebellion against Earth's control with an aim for Martian independence. There are around 2 million inhabitants on Mars at the time of events depicted in the show. You can read about Mars in the universe of Babylon 5 here.

Babylon 5 was one of the first TV shows / movies heavily utilizing CGI to depict the exteriors of a human colony on Mars. At the time most filmmakers used miniature sets for that purpose, as in the famous Total Recall (1990). Here is an ultimate collection of CGI scenes set on Mars in Babylon 5; you won't find more comprehensive such collection anywhere in the internet. Take into account the CGI scenes were done in mid-1990s with very limited graphics processing power so the resolution is low.

Mars in Babylon 5 - Mars Dome One in Syria Planum

Mars in Babylon 5 - Mars Dome One interior

Mars in Babylon 5 - Martian colony in Syria Planum
Martian colonies are interconnected via hyperloop lines:
Mars in Babylon 5 - Hyperloop line to Mars Dome One

Mars in Babylon 5 - hyperloop station
Martian colonies in daylight and at night:
Mars in Babylon 5 - Mars Dome One in Syria Planum

Mars in Babylon 5 - Ship at Martian colony

Mars in Babylon 5 - Mars Dome One at night

Mars in Babylon 5 - Mars Dome One at night
The interior of Mars Dome One in Syria Planum:
Mars in Babylon 5 - Mars Dome One interior

Mars in Babylon 5 - Mars Dome One interior

Mars in Babylon 5 - Mars Dome One interior (warehouses)
Fort Walters prison in Solis Planum:
Mars in Babylon 5 - Fort Walters prison in Solis Planum

Mars in Babylon 5 - Fort Walters prison in Solis Planum
Mars Resistance soldiers attacking Land Alliance military base:
Mars in Babylon 5 - Land Alliance military base

Mars in Babylon 5 - Land Alliance military base

Mars in Babylon 5 - Land Alliance military base

Mars in Babylon 5 - Land Alliance military base

Mars in Babylon 5 - Land Alliance military base

Mars in Babylon 5 - Land Alliance military base
Ships jumping off from hyperspace:
Mars in Babylon 5 - Jumping off from hyperspace
Land Alliance fighters bombing Martian colonies:
Mars in Babylon 5 - Land Alliance fighters
Excavation of an ancient Shadow Vessel in Syria Planum:
Mars in Babylon 5 - excavation of a Shadow Vessel in Syria Planum

Mars in Babylon 5 - excavation of a Shadow Vessel in Syria Planum
Fighter ships over Mars:
Mars in Babylon 5 - fighters over Mars