Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mars colony for 1000 people by Innspace team (Mars Colony Prize contest)

This year The Mars Society held Mars Colony Prize - a contest for "the best plan for a Mars colony of 1000 people. The colony should be self-supporting to the maximum extent possible - i.e. relying on a minimum mass of imports from Earth. The goal is to have the colony be able to produce all the food, clothing, shelter, power, common consumer products, vehicles, and machines for 1000 people, with only the minimum number of key components, such as advanced electronics needing to be imported from Earth." According to speculations laid out in our Mars Colonization Timeline the first human base on Mars could reach a thousand inhabitants by late 2040s.

The winners of the contest were chosen at the International Mars Society convention in Los Angeles, California in October 2019. Here are images of the Ideacity concept by InnSpace team from Poland which got the 5th place:

Mars colony for 1000 people by Innspace team for Mars Colony Prize contest
Central cluster of the colony:
Mars colony for 1000 people by Innspace team for Mars Colony Prize contest - city center
Mars colony plan:
Mars colony for 1000 people by Innspace team for Mars Colony Prize contest - city plan

Other contestants covered on our site:

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