Sunday, April 28, 2019

1 million human colony city on Mars by Max Rymsha

On 2017 HP announced the "Mars Home Planet" rendering challenge inviting participants "to imagine, create and virtually experience a sophisticated civilization on Mars. A new home for one million humans." Swedish architect and CG artist Max Rymsha was one of the winners of the challenge creating his concept "Between The Red Mountains" for a sustainable city on Mars for 1 million humans. His inspiring vision includes several large-scale biodomes, SpaceX's Starships (in their 2016 design) for Earth-Mars transportation, hyperloop lines for intercity transportation, electric rovers and quadcopters for local transportation, laboratories of NASA, etc.; most of the city (not shown in the illustration) is underground for better radiation and asteroid protection.

1 million human colony city on Mars by Max Rymsha
Infographic version with annotations:
1 million human colony city on Mars by Max Rymsha - infographic


  1. People would soon mess it up !!

  2. On Mars hyperloop does not really require a vacuum tube given the thinness of the atmosphere, this per Elon Musk himself.
