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Monday, December 31, 2018
SpaceX Stainless Steel Starship reaching orbit
Picture of the Day 31/12/2018 - SpaceX's stainless steel Starship with gold-coated windows reaching orbit; fan-art by Reddit user AlienWannabe.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
SpaceX Stainless Steel Starship taking off from Mos Eisley by Reese Wilson
Picture of the Day 30/12/2018 - SpaceX's stainless steel Starship taking off from Mos Eisley, Tatooine (in Star Wars universe) by Reese Wilson :) More of his SpaceX photos and renders on his Flickr page.
Saturday, December 29, 2018
SpaceX Stainless Steel Starship launch by William Falconer-Beach
Picture of the Day 29/12/2018 - SpaceX's stainless steel Starship launching from Earth by William Falconer-Beach. More of his Starship renders here.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
SpaceX Stainless Steel Starship, fan-created render
Picture of the Day 27/12/2018 - fan-created render of SpaceX's stainless steel Starship; created by Reddit user agruffgriff.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Ice deposit in Korolev crater
Water ice deposit in Korolev crater at the northern polar plain on Mars. This recent image is taken by the European Space Agency's (ESA) Mars Express orbiter. Korolev crater is 81 kilometers (51 miles) in diameter and naturally traps the cold air in it continuously replenishing the ice deposit with fresh layers of ice. The ice sheet is up to 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles) thick and it is estimated the crater holds about 2200 cubic kilometers (530 cubic miles) of water ice.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in HD wallpaper resolution)
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Images from NatGeo's MARS episode 6 of season 2
Sixth episode "The Shake Up" ( s02e06 ) of National Geographic's MARS TV series season 2 has been aired. Here are some images from the episode.
Storyline in short: Using explosives, miners from Lukrum colony finally get to an underground water aquifer. But water is under pressure and causes a severe earthquake, damaging Olympus Town but completely destroying Lukrum colony, leaving a dozen miners dead. While inspecting his ruined base the commander of Lukrum colony is killed in an accident. The season ends on a positive note - Earth is introduced with the first child born on Mars and Olympus Town is repaired and is open for future expansion.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ► Episode 2 ► Episode 3 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 5
Storyline in short: Using explosives, miners from Lukrum colony finally get to an underground water aquifer. But water is under pressure and causes a severe earthquake, damaging Olympus Town but completely destroying Lukrum colony, leaving a dozen miners dead. While inspecting his ruined base the commander of Lukrum colony is killed in an accident. The season ends on a positive note - Earth is introduced with the first child born on Mars and Olympus Town is repaired and is open for future expansion.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ► Episode 2 ► Episode 3 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 5
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Mars colony by Bill Wright
Picture of the Day 16/12/2018 - Mars colony by American space artist Bill Wright. More of his art here.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Mars base by Richard Wright
Picture of the Day 14/12/2018 - Street fight in Mars base by British concept artist Richard Wright - concept art for the Call of Duty game Infinite Warfare (2016) - a first-person shooter (FPS) set in an undefined future where Earth nations are competing for power in the Solar system with ruthless and technologically more advanced but outnumbered space settlers.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Images from NatGeo's MARS episode 5 of season 2
Fifth episode "Power Play" ( s02e05 ) of National Geographic's MARS TV series season 2 has been aired. Here are some images from the episode.
Storyline in short: Miners from Lukrum colony are prospecting for resources and require additional power from Olympus Town. Meanwhile on Earth Lukrum Industries struck deal with Russia to get exclusive mining rights on Mars. While Olympus Town's commander is inspecting potential water site her deputy cuts power to Lukrum colony causing power outage there and nearly killing some of the miners.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ► Episode 2 ► Episode 3 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 6
► Watch full episode 5 of season 2 here
Storyline in short: Miners from Lukrum colony are prospecting for resources and require additional power from Olympus Town. Meanwhile on Earth Lukrum Industries struck deal with Russia to get exclusive mining rights on Mars. While Olympus Town's commander is inspecting potential water site her deputy cuts power to Lukrum colony causing power outage there and nearly killing some of the miners.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ► Episode 2 ► Episode 3 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 6
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Images from NatGeo's MARS episode 4 of season 2
Fourth episode "Contagion" ( s02e04 ) of National Geographic's MARS TV series season 2 has been aired. Here are some images from the episode.
Storyline in short: Deadly Martian pathogen strikes both Lukrum colony and Olympus Town. It's discovered only a Penicillin can fight it and it's available only on Chinese orbital station which drops it to the ground.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ► Episode 2 ► Episode 3 ► Episode 5 ► Episode 6
Storyline in short: Deadly Martian pathogen strikes both Lukrum colony and Olympus Town. It's discovered only a Penicillin can fight it and it's available only on Chinese orbital station which drops it to the ground.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ► Episode 2 ► Episode 3 ► Episode 5 ► Episode 6
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
NASA's InSight lander on Mars by Charlie Burgess
Monday, November 26, 2018
Images from NatGeo's MARS episode 3 of season 2
Third episode "Darkness falls" ( s02e03 ) of National Geographic's MARS TV series season 2 has been aired today. Here are some images from the episode.
Storyline in short: Massive solar flare knocks out electrical grid and communications on Mars in time when one of the scientists is taking samples from Lukrum's water drilling site on her own, without informing anyone. Miners from Lukrum colony rescue her life, thus restoring relations between the two settlements.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ► Episode 2 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 5 ► Episode 6
► Watch full episode 3 of season 2 here
Storyline in short: Massive solar flare knocks out electrical grid and communications on Mars in time when one of the scientists is taking samples from Lukrum's water drilling site on her own, without informing anyone. Miners from Lukrum colony rescue her life, thus restoring relations between the two settlements.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ► Episode 2 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 5 ► Episode 6
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Racing on Mars in Star Citizen MMO game
Picture of the Day 25/11/2018 - racing on Mars; an image from upcoming massively multiplayer online (MMO) game Star Citizen which will consist of several components - space combat simulator, first-person shooter and economy&trading simulator - and is mostly funded by an unprecedented crowdfunding campaign of over $200 million on Kickstarter. The game is released by modules and is playable for several years now in alpha stage; there is a good outside video review what is the current status of the game by the end of 2018.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Friday, November 23, 2018
Mars transport by Pablo Palomeque
Picture of the Day 23/11/2018 - Mars transport vehicle by Argentinian concept artist Pablo Palomeque. More of his art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Images from NatGeo's MARS episode 2 of season 2
Second episode "Worlds apart" ( s02e02 ) of National Geographic's MARS TV series season 2 has been aired. Here are some images from the episode, apart from those seen in the trailer and promotional collection.
Storyline in short: While scientists from Olympus Town and miners from Lukrum colony are making connections, miners discover a liquid water pocket bellow the surface of Mars. Now the Lukrum colony can be independent from the resources of Olympus Town but scientists are not happy with miners contaminating possible shelter of Martian life-forms. Meanwhile one of the original crew discovers she is pregnant but Olympus Town commander's twin sister dies from tumor during a flight to Mars.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ►Episode 3 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 5 ► Episode 6
► Watch full episode 2 of season 2 here
Storyline in short: While scientists from Olympus Town and miners from Lukrum colony are making connections, miners discover a liquid water pocket bellow the surface of Mars. Now the Lukrum colony can be independent from the resources of Olympus Town but scientists are not happy with miners contaminating possible shelter of Martian life-forms. Meanwhile one of the original crew discovers she is pregnant but Olympus Town commander's twin sister dies from tumor during a flight to Mars.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 1 ►Episode 3 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 5 ► Episode 6
Thursday, November 15, 2018
NatGeo's MARS TV series: full episodes of season 2
Watch full season 2 of National Geographic Channel's MARS TV series here. In season 1 the part documentary, part fiction series depicted first human mission to Mars and hardships of building a base on Mars in a lava tube. The six-episode season 2 is digging deeper into the challenges of life on Mars, covering everything from the first Martian-born babies to surviving the common cold to the first commercial efforts by Lukrum Corporation to exploit the planet's resources.
DRAMA PART of full season 2 without documentary cut-ins:
► Watch full episodes of season 1 here
More content from season 2: ► HD images ► Trailer & images from it ► Cover art
Episode 1 - We are not alone s02e01
Images from Episode 1
Watch full episode HERE.SpaceX Big Falcon Ship landing on Mars by HazeGrayArt
HD wallpapers of the 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 - landing on Mars; images from the video animation of BFS landing on Mars created by HazeGrayArt.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in HD wallpaper resolution)
Monday, November 12, 2018
Images from NatGeo's MARS episode 1 of season 2
The first episode "We are not alone" ( s02e01 ) of National Geographic's MARS TV series season 2 has been aired today. Here are some (mostly exterior) images from the episode, apart from those seen in the trailer and promotional collection.
Storyline in short: Beginning of season 2 is set in April 2042, 5 years after the end of season 1. In episode 1 the scientists at Olympus Town are accompanied by a new neighbor - miners at Lukrum colony 25 kilometers apart. Miners demand to be connected to the water source of Olympus Town and rush building the pipeline, causing an accident and concerns in Olympus Town.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 2 ► Episode 3 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 5 ► Episode 6
► Watch full episode 1 of season 2 here
Storyline in short: Beginning of season 2 is set in April 2042, 5 years after the end of season 1. In episode 1 the scientists at Olympus Town are accompanied by a new neighbor - miners at Lukrum colony 25 kilometers apart. Miners demand to be connected to the water source of Olympus Town and rush building the pipeline, causing an accident and concerns in Olympus Town.
Images from other episodes of season 2: ► Episode 2 ► Episode 3 ► Episode 4 ► Episode 5 ► Episode 6
NatGeo's "Mars" TV series - cover art for season 2
Season 2 of National Geographic's MARS part documentary, part fiction TV series is starting today. In season 1 the series depicted first human mission to Mars and hardships of building a base on Mars. The six-episode season 2 will dig deeper into the challenges of life on Mars, from the first Martian-born babies to first commercial efforts to exploit the planet's resources.
More content from season 2: ► FULL EPISODES ► HD images ► Trailer and images from it
Here are some cover art images and posters for season 2. Open link in new tab to view images in full resolution.
More content from season 2: ► FULL EPISODES ► HD images ► Trailer and images from it
Here are some cover art images and posters for season 2. Open link in new tab to view images in full resolution.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
NatGeo's "Mars" TV series - HD images from season 2
National Geographic's "Mars" part documentary, part fiction TV series depicted first human mission to Mars and hardships of building a base on Mars in a lava tube in season 1. The six-episode season 2 promises to dig deeper into the challenges of life on Mars, covering everything from the first Martian-born babies to surviving the common cold to the first commercial efforts by Lukrum Corporation to exploit the planet's resources. Season 2 will be broadcasted worldwide starting on November 12th.
In July National Geographic released a trailer for the season 2. You can watch and see some HD images from the trailer here.
Here are more images from the season 2. Open link in new tab to view images in full resolution.
► Watch full episodes of season 2 here
In July National Geographic released a trailer for the season 2. You can watch and see some HD images from the trailer here.
Here are more images from the season 2. Open link in new tab to view images in full resolution.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
SpaceX Big Falcon Ship entering Mars atmosphere by HazeGrayArt
Picture of the Day 8/11/2018 - the 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 - entering Mars atmosphere; an image from the video animation of BFS landing on Mars created by HazeGrayArt.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Basejumping in Valles Marineris by Quentin Gautier
Picture of the Day 5/11/2018 - astronauts basejumping in Valles Marineris on Mars by Canadian concept artist Quentin Gautier. More of his art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Sandstorm in a Martian city by Giacomo Tappainer
Picture of the Day 4/11/2018 - a severe sandstorm in a Martian city by Italian concept designer Giacomo Tappainer.
More of his art here.
More of his art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Thursday, November 1, 2018
SpaceX Big Falcon Ship above Mars by HazeGrayArt
HD wallpapers of the 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 - above Mars; images from the video animation of BFS landing on Mars created by HazeGrayArt.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in HD wallpaper resolution)

Sunday, October 28, 2018
Elongated cloud on Mars at Arsia Mons
On September 13 European Space Agency’s (ESA) Mars Express orbiter spotted an elongated cloud on Mars near the Arsia Mons - a dormant shield volcano 12 miles high. The cloud stretches for about 930 miles (1500 kilometers) and hasn't dissolved for over a month. That's nothing extraordinary - similar clouds has been spotted on Mars in 2009, 2012 and 2015 at winter season. The giant Martian volcanoes, rising high into the atmosphere, are playing a role into creation of those kind of clouds.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Mars base infographic by National Geographic
Mars base infographic by National Geographic accompanying the season 1 (2016) of its "MARS" TV series.
Season 2 of the TV series will be broadcasted worldwide starting on November 12th.
You can watch the full season 1 episodes of the TV series without geographic restrictions here.
Closeup of the underground section of the base:
Season 2 of the TV series will be broadcasted worldwide starting on November 12th.
You can watch the full season 1 episodes of the TV series without geographic restrictions here.
Closeup of the underground section of the base:
Friday, October 26, 2018
Mars base by XArc & James Vaughan
Picture of the Day 26/10/2018 - Mars base with 3D-printed modules by XArc (Exploration Architecture corporation) and James Vaughan - one of the 10 finalist teams in phase 3 (virtual model stage) of NASA’s 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
SpaceX Big Falcon Ship approaching Mars by HazeGrayArt
HD wallpaper of the 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 - approaching Mars; an image from the video animation of BFS landing on Mars created by HazeGrayArt.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in HD wallpaper resolution)
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Elon Musk thinking about colonization of Mars
Collage of Elon Musk thinking about human colonization of Mars - a cover image for an article on Business Insider.
Friday, October 19, 2018
SpaceX Big Falcon Ship in deep space by HazeGrayArt
HD wallpaper of the 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 - in deep space; an image from the video animation of BFS landing on Mars created by HazeGrayArt.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in HD wallpaper resolution)
Monday, October 15, 2018
SpaceX Big Falcon Ship landing on Mars - video animation by HazeGrayArt
The 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 - landing on Mars; fan-made video animation by HazeGrayArt. His older video of BFS v2017 landing on Mars here.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Lockheed Martin's Lunar lander concept
American aerospace, advanced technologies and defense company Lockheed Martin has proposed a 62-ton Lunar lander to bring 4 astronauts from NASA's planned Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway in near-rectilinear halo orbit to the surface of the Moon. The lander would be capable to support those astronauts on the surface for up to 14 days.
A year ago Lockheed Martin also proposed its concept for a 4-person Martian lander.
A year ago Lockheed Martin also proposed its concept for a 4-person Martian lander.
(Open link in new tab to view images in full resolution)
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Alien Martian canal by Mark Salwowski
Picture of the Day 11/10/2018 - Alien Martian canal and a city by Australian illustrator Mark Salwowski - a cover image for Lance Parkin's and Mark Clapham's book "Beige Planet Mars" (1998).
Monday, October 8, 2018
Landing burn of SpaceX Big Falcon Ship by Charlie Burgess
Picture of the Day 8/10/2018 - Landing burn of the 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 by British digital artist Charlie Burgess. The older render of BFS v2017 here. More of Charlie's art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Thursday, September 27, 2018
SpaceX Big Falcon Ship docked to Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway by Mack Crawford
Picture of the Day 27/9/2018 - the 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 docked to NASA's future Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway by digital artist Mack Crawford (brickmack). More of his space concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Traveling Starman on Mars by Peter DeLuce
Picture of the Day 26/9/2018 - SpaceX's Starman on Mars with his Tesla Roadster and three Big Falcon Ships in the background - digital painting created by illustrator Peter DeLuce. More of his art here.
Monday, September 24, 2018
SpaceX Big Falcon Ship above Earth by James Vaughan
Picture of the Day 24/9/2018 - the 2nd stage of SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) - the Big Falcon Ship/Spaceship (BFS) v2018 above Earth by photographer and concept artist James Vaughan. More of his aerospace and defense concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Scientist in a Mars base laboratory by sabotSsnake
Picture of the Day 23/9/2018 - Scientist in a Mars base laboratory by fantasy artist Darien Liddell (sabotSsnake) from New Zealand. More of his art here.
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